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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jodi's Surgery Update

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It seems like I am the only one who ever updates Jodi's progress. Well this last weekend she had a set back with her expanders. The incisions came apart, and she had to go back into surgery on Tuesday,yesterday Nov.23rd, and have them replaced. So she is back to where she was the end of September. Her healing time should be less. Knowing which medications to stay away from really helped to keep her pain under control. She Came out of the hospital Wed. pm, and is doing wonderful. Surgery went great and accomplished what the Dr. wanted. The infectious desease dontrol dr. is culturing the swabs and we will have to wait for about 5 days for results, in the mean time, Jodi is taking 2 oral antibotics, and an IV drip antibiotic. She will skip the Chemo this week, YEA!! Besides it was scheduled to Thanksgiving Day..Yuck! We are grateful for insurance!


  1. Thanks so much for keeping us updated. Love you. Hope today is amazing, wish we could be there.


  2. I just found your lovely site. It will be good to keep up with your progress as you cross off each challenge. I'm thankful for your great example. All my love, Gayle

  3. So glad to hear that Jodi is doing well and that the Dr. was able to get it all. What an amazing young lady she is , brave , courageous so strong. Truly amazing!
    May you and your family have a Happy Holiday season and a Cancer Free 2011.
    Many Blessings
    Lilian Marro
