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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Treatment #3

One more treatment today. Jodi is feeling alright, tomorrow she will be sick. She was sooo sick last treatment that this time they gave her some different nausea medication, and two different kinds, hope it helps. I have been real bad about taking pictures. Someone need to remind me, so we can post pictures of her, and her family, as well as the activities we are involved in on her behalf.
The Yard sale was a huge success. We had a lot of items left from the bake sale that I put in the freezer. Yesterday at a neighborhood bake sale we were able to sell almost everything, plus so much of the neighbors goodies they made special for this activity. It was also a great success.
We were able to have a little success at the Corn Fest, but the wind was determined to blow us right out of Enterprise. Thanks to everyone who helped and supported Jodi in that event.