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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Not Done Yet

Although Jodi is listed as cancer free. She is still trying to get her body back to normal, which it will really never be. But she is trying to at least look whole again. This last month, she under went yet another surgery, (I think the count is close to 20 now.) Though they have placed her permanent implants, the skin is not healed enough so they had to do another fat transfer, to help stabilize the implants. I'm not sure the whole problems, but I just know that she isn't done yet.  Life working full time and a part time job as an EMT on weekends, keeps her too busy. Tom is still not able to work and is on disability right now, not knowing if the healing from a bad back surgery will ever happen. Tom is having to change careers, and retrain in an area that he will be able to work. It is frustration for all (especially him) because he wants to work.Tom enjoys working as a public servant, and using his medical knowledge to help others. Being home allows him extra time with Lia and being a dad. Thanks Tom for taking care of our girls.