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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chemo again.

Jodi had another Chemo treatment on Wednesday. She is so pale, almost a yellow color. But she is still smiling. She has been so tired with the last few, she can hardly get out of bed. I wish I could be there and help her more. I miss seeing Lia and spending time with her. Been at the hospital for almost two weeks with Kent, (Jodi's Dad). The is having heart surgery today. We are very anxious, lots of emotions. It is amazing to feel her bravery, it is helping me cope.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Three more Chemo

Only three more weeks of this round of Chemo. If you don't count the next 10 months of the hormone blockers. Jodi is hanging in there. It seems each one of these effects her skin more and more. Today she felt like hives. She is so amazing, and makes everyone around her smile. Thanks Jodi for helping me cope with my trials.:)