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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Update Oct.6th,2011

Thought I would take a minute and update Jodi's-- March to Victory. It has be 15 months since the breast cancer was confirmed. It has been a long march. She is doing better emotionally Jodi is still having chemo treatments every three weeks, unless there is heart damage, then her treatments are postponed until her heart heals enough to continue. This makes for a long treatment. As hard as it is for her, I want to see her completely kick this cancer with NO CHANCE for it to re-occur, so however long it takes. She was originally scheduled to finish up her treatment program in October 2011, but that is not possible now. I am hoping for Feb. Tom is still supportive and still struggles with having enough work to pay the medical bills. It amazes me that the insurance companies can pick and choose what they decide to pay through a treatment program, but because you have insurance, you are not eligible for any discounts. Lia is doing well.