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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jodi' healing progress

Jodi is healing from her second surgery. It has been 12 days. She is not healing as fast, I think for a couple of reasons: #1 She is undergoing Chemo Treatment each week, which slows down the generation of new cell growth. #2 She has had to work enough to keep her insurance, so she is not getting the rest she needs to heal. She has not been able to remove the drains from the surgery yet, which indicated she is not healed enough. She is in pain most of the time, and amazes me with her upbeat attitude. The report came back form the infectionious desease control lab. Everything lookes good, but Jodi shill has to take antibiotics for the next three weeks. Her hair is still growing, she said, "It will probably fall out on week 12". who knows .... but she is assured it will fall out again. It does not seem to be curly at all. Got a new hat!! Cute and not as itchy. Lia told Santa all she wants for Christmas is for her Mom to get better. That was a surprise, I'm sure she still want toys too, but it is good to see her recognize the different gifts that make life more meaningful. We love you Jodi, and are thankful for sharing your MARCH TO VICTORY with us.